About me...
I'm a very competitive person. I don't triathlon for the heck of it...I want to be good at this and I think I can. However, EVERY time I'd start making some progress with training on my own...I'd get sick or I'd get injured and then stop training....rinse, repeat x the last 8 years. I'd actually wondered if I should just give this up but my wife knew I needed to keep on going with it and she and I agreed I needed someone who knew what the heck they were doing to coach me up.
What I needed, was someone I could trust, someone with a proven track record of success and someone who could take as much of the thinking out of it for me. I'm used to being in charge, and I don't cede control easily so the trust factor was easily the most important. I've got more injuries than I care to remember and I'm coming off a complete reconstruction of my right shoulder last May. This is my last real shot at serious training so I had to get this right.
I've known Eric for the better part of the last 8 years and always enjoyed it when he was part of a group ride or training event. I've seen the success his cats have had over the years and he's never been hesitant to give me some advice when I asked so he was naturally someone I considered. We met and talked about all my issues (and there are many!) and I came away impressed with the in depth knowledge he possess as well as the attention to detail. I was also impressed that he does not hand out 'cookie-cutter' programs...that's the sign of an inferior coach in my opinion as everybody has different needs to achieve their goals. So, long and short I hired Eric on November 10th. I hadn't run in forever, swan the most gingerly 5 x 100 in history but was hitting the trainer pretty hard so I felt ok there.
2 months later...WOW. All I can say is I'm nearly back in my paratrooper shape days! I am running (Pain free for the first time in 8 years) and getting faster all the time. Nothing hurts and I look forward every day to the challenge. After he tweaked a few things, my swimming is really coming along as well and I LOVE the bike workouts (well, love/hate) Let me be clear...if you aren't ready to be challenged...you may need to re-think your commitment. This stuff is WORK. Hard work. He has a unique ability to design a workout that I go into feeling good about..then once I get going the dread kicks in...and I wonder if I'm going to finish...but there there hasn't been workout that I couldn't do. I'm in the best shape I can remember and I have Eric to thank for it. I'm SUPER pumped about my race qualifying race in late April (St.Anthony's triathlon in Tampa) and I really think I can achieve me race goals which are to eventually qualify for worlds at Olympic distance. Thanks for every Coach!
Joe Lemery

"Getting a Tri coach is one of my 2017 highlights for sure. I almost didn’t because “I’m just not that serious of an athlete” but working with Eric has been such a great experience. He’s got me working harder than I ever have before and he’s got me dreaming bigger than I was dreaming just a few months ago. His workouts make sense and he works with my schedule and injuries. I’m the fittest I’ve ever been in my life and excited to see just how much further and faster I can go. Ready to CRUSH the 2018 Triathlon season! #rule5endurance #findyouredge"
Lauren Sampson